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Love you @Sociogram

In our fights, Found a strange beginning, The memories I craved, Draped in a naked vase, Echoed the same thoughts, As you did, Asked you to adore me even when I failed, My soul praised your flaws, In the midst of hide&seek, Tightened your claws, Many twilights, it kept me awake, The heart continues to swollen with trembling ache, I roam around the world, Looking nothing less or more, Envy the people, Who continues to be pure, Sinned in your lust, Learning a way to win you over Enter the valleys of my dreams, Uncover my thorns, Healing has become poisonous, While I lay awake in the depth of clouds How long it's going to be a homicidal path, Are we the foes, enjoying blood bath, In the dark tunnel, blindly we fight Ain't a candle, awaiting to light, Crush all the inhabitation Find peace in consolation, Like rains in the summer, Cast all the rainbow color, Declare your affection, Confess your feelings, Just like a heart needs blood, Not everyone receives the passion, Of a crazy lover. #sociogram_creator #peom

I chose you, amidst all happiness, I then tightened the bond with a peck. I looked in your eye and saw love, I realized the meaning of life. I held your hand to walk the ground, I matched steps to find four at once. I believed in serene humanity, I then found faith in closed eyes. I nurtured my soul with beauty, I accepted that I am no less gold. I anticipated your gloomy eyes, I got to know the depth of thoughts. I saw your tears falling down on my lap, I then found your weakness and solitude. I shared the pain and saw you fight, I learned to support a soul of hidden plight. I changed the curtains that blocked the shine, I repaired the frame of broken glass. I committed myself to your body and skin, I fell for every bit of open touch. I ran into you several times over the night, I felt your caress and tied myself to you for life. #sociogram_creator #poem

Oh the love of my life Let me behold the beauty of your eyes I've opened the heart Just come inside Will stay forever for the rest of the life Take my hand, we'll touch the infinite sky Don't be afraid I'm here by your side Agaisnt the odds and grimmy life Hold me closer and pull me aside Will stay forever for the rest of the life Battles are hard and difficult to fight But believe is the key to cross the door You and I are meant to be This is all I want to become 'US' and 'WE' Will stay forever for the rest of the life. #sociogram_creator #poem

A time will come When you'll be alone No one to turn to Only a heart full of sorrows People will mock you And treat you like trash You'll be filled with agony And fire of wrath Changes will change you And the people you know A time will come When you'll be alone An aura of self pity And darkness will lie You'll be filled with denial And a blaze of all the bads The hardest of goodbyes Will become easy for you A time will come When you'll be alone The comfort will be gone And a bed full of thorns You'll be filled with wounds And the memories of the gone's Secrets and lies And the treachery will be all you know A time will come When you'll be alone In the blink of an eye Morality will vanish from your sight You'll be filled with emptiness And the feelings turned into ash A time will come When you'll be alone No one to turn to Only a heart full of sorrows. #sociogram_creator #poem