
In our fights, Found a strange beginning, The memories I craved, Draped in a naked vase, Echoed the same thoughts, As you did, Asked you to adore me even when I failed, My soul praised your flaws, In the midst of hide&seek, Tightened your claws, Many twilights, it kept me awake, The heart continues to swollen with trembling ache, I roam around the world, Looking nothing less or more, Envy the people, Who continues to be pure, Sinned in your lust, Learning a way to win you over Enter the valleys of my dreams, Uncover my thorns, Healing has become poisonous, While I lay awake in the depth of clouds How long it's going to be a homicidal path, Are we the foes, enjoying blood bath, In the dark tunnel, blindly we fight Ain't a candle, awaiting to light, Crush all the inhabitation Find peace in consolation, Like rains in the summer, Cast all the rainbow color, Declare your affection, Confess your feelings, Just like a heart needs blood, Not everyone receives the passion, Of a crazy lover. #sociogram_creator #peom
