
A time will come When you'll be alone No one to turn to Only a heart full of sorrows People will mock you And treat you like trash You'll be filled with agony And fire of wrath Changes will change you And the people you know A time will come When you'll be alone An aura of self pity And darkness will lie You'll be filled with denial And a blaze of all the bads The hardest of goodbyes Will become easy for you A time will come When you'll be alone The comfort will be gone And a bed full of thorns You'll be filled with wounds And the memories of the gone's Secrets and lies And the treachery will be all you know A time will come When you'll be alone In the blink of an eye Morality will vanish from your sight You'll be filled with emptiness And the feelings turned into ash A time will come When you'll be alone No one to turn to Only a heart full of sorrows. #sociogram_creator #poem
