Lod to join us for the day hi I am in a good time in

🦊 MetaMask’s unique privacy-preserving security feature by @blockaid_ helps you stay safe by simulating transactions and alerting you to malicious dapps. ⚠️ Remember, when in doubt, just don’t interact🦊 Уникальная функция безопасности MetaMask, сохраняющая конфиденциальность, от @blockchain помогает вам оставаться в безопасности, имитируя транзакции и предупреждая о вредоносных приложениях. ⚠️ Помните, если вы сомневаетесь, просто не вмешивайтесь🦊


DG ks ks hzzn hi I have a good day good 👍

Have a nice weekend, need to chill🤤


RNs the end of this month

this is my town ,the name is #edessa and have watterfalls


Los to the day of the day hi everyone good

Tether will track secondary transactions with USDT. Who will be affected? Tether will track USDT transactions on the secondary market using the power of Chainalysis. Chainalysis' tools will give Tether "a deeper degree of oversight of the USDT market." The key components of the new system are monitoring of sanctioned wallets and categorization of stablecoin holders, making it possible to identify users of exchanges or trading platforms on the darknet. In December 2023, Tether froze 41 cryptocurrency wallets that were allegedly associated with individuals on the US Treasury Department's sanctions list. Last year, the company assisted the Department of Justice, the US Secret Service and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in freezing 326 wallets containing USDT stablecoins worth a total of $435 million.


PM's photo frames and g and build Foley venom GT 😞 to join

User lost $68 million in cryptocurrency due to carelessness Experts from the Cyvers service were the first to discover this, and then it was confirmed by cryptodetective ZachXBT, well-known in the crypto community Someone sent 1155 WBTC (Wrapped Bitcoin) worth more than $68 million to scammers, becoming a victim of a spam attack Its essence is that small or zero amounts of cryptocurrency are sent to the victim’s wallet from addresses that are just a few characters different from the address to which the victim regularly makes transfers Attackers, using special software, generate a crypto wallet with an address whose set of characters at the beginning and end is identical to the set of characters in the victim’s trusted address, to which they often send cryptocurrency. The essence of the attack is that, through carelessness, the victim copies the address from which the transfer from the attackers came and uses it to send funds