
GM, guys Good weekend

New realease🤩

New Sociogram Upgrades are here! 🚀 We're thrilled to unveil some exciting new features to enhance your user experience: 👉 Profile cover picture: you can set this to personalize yourself. For FREE! 👉 Mobile Friendly UI: Enjoy a whole new platform view on your mobile devices. Seamless, responsive, and user-centric! 👉 Mobile Sleek Sidebar: The sidebar has undergone a stylish transformation, providing easier navigation and a fresh look.

6 days left) my task to get in top 100 Follow = follow

Разворачиваем свой контракт в сети Scroll + минт NFT Всего будет доступно 3 вида NFT: • Quintic: Для пользователей которые развернут контракт до 10.11 • Quartic: Для пользователей которые развернут контракт до 25.11 • Cubic: Для пользователей которые развернут контракт до 09.12 🖤 Пользуйтесь - https://t.me/cryptoforto/384

As we approach the final week of the event I'd like to initiate a conversation regarding the distribution of rewards and present my suggested approach. Currently, we have only three fixed reward positions I propose to expand this to 100. I believe this adjustment would result in a fairer distribution for our users and foster increased community engagement for a wider scale community This tier is achievable for anyone and it would incentivize and reward active community members #proposal