
CARV is an oracle with autonomous identity (SSI) and data exchange protocol Implementation time: ≈ 10 minutes Financial cost: ≈$0.69 (in BNB) Now we can farm $SOUL points, which are later 100% converted into $ARC token -Go to connect metamask -Click Play Name Service at the top, change the network to opBNB -On the Quick Onboarding banner that pops up, click "Next" and "Finish" several times. -Next we need to fund the internal wallet of the site with opBNB token. If you don't have opBNB on metamask, you can transfer BNB to opBNB network [here]( -Mint CarvID -Mint the domain name (the shorter the name, the more expensive it will be, but also more each day will drip #Soul. If you choose a name longer than 13 characters, it will be free. -Now go down the page to "Account Binding" and bind everything there -Every day we go in, choose a network and click "Free CARV".
