Hooray! πŸ‘Ύ 🀍

Dear users, We are pleased to announce SocialFi Launch Event has been finished on Sociogram. At the time of this event, Sociogram SocialFi was running in a kind of beta launch. You have experienced some changes in Feed, UI/UX, and platform performance, we have also monitored how the protocol works on main-net. Based on the results we defined the ways we are going to develop the platform in the near future. We prepared some updates you have never seen before in web3 social media. We take a time up to 1 week to review the result, validate the eligible winners, and define the conditions on how the rewards will be distributed. Thanks everyone for participating! Be ready for the next level of social experience!


What should be done to grow on Sociogram? πŸ€‘ Comment pls..


The time is coming soon when my token will go #tothemoon Don't miss your chance πŸ˜‰


GM Sociogramers!! 🌞 How is it going by you? πŸ˜‰ Does anyone know how to check at what price the tokens were purchased, because after the weekend everything completely flew out of my head? πŸ™‚ I wish you all the skyrocket rise for you tokens!! πŸš€ Have a great day!!


I’m the only one who thinks it’s unfair when spammers or bots commented with a lot of spam massages and for this they also receive a large part of the Reward Pool!? 😑 Maybe it would be better to turn off the feature to increase rewards in a post when you write a lot of comments?