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Arbitrum keeps dumping $ARB The Arbitrum DAO has approved a $23.54 million one-time “backfund” to support 26 projects that missed out on its initial round of grant funding. The initiative, which passed with two-thirds voting in favor, aims to develop and incentivize the use of the projects’ applications on the Ethereum Layer 2 network.


Раздача крипто боксов от Binance Бинанс опять запустили промоакцию с крипто боксами. Что делать? ▪️ Сканируем QR code на картинке или переходим по ссылке https://s.binance.com/24pLuXHl ▪️ Отправляем свой крипто-бокс другим пользователям Дедлайн: пока не разберут пул


Click Like under this post those who received rewards for the pool of 100,000 Нажмите Like под этим постом те, кому пришли реварды за пул 100.000


PayPal has received a subpoena from the SEC tied to its U.S. dollar stablecoin.