13 months

I followed you, follow me. If you don't follow, you will be unfollowed. After 48 hours. Don't worry my friend.

@NaftyPunk (186)

Hi Dear Sociogramers : Please BUY my TOKEN ,,, BEACUSE : My Token is NEW ... My Token is in Floor PRICE ... My Token has growth potential ... SO BUY MY TOKEN to grow together ... ........BUY >>> BUY <<< BUY........


............wE iN sOcIoGrAm aRe OnE fAmIlY ......... Hello After a long time, I finally tokenized my token. Please support me by buying my token. With Thanks & Regard ...NaftyPunk... 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💥 💥 💥 💥 💥


I joined Sociogram SocialFi with the real ERC-20 tokenization. Now you can trade my tokens here! Trade, own, and enjoy VIP perks by holding my tokens! Buy now! 🚀