24 months

Крипто инвестор и энтузиаст.


#BTC всегда будет дедушкой

👋 Are there any #traders ? Share your tips, trading positions, crypto signals and we'll give you #BTC tips💰


Я уже купил BTC а вы?

Time to buy the dip,' Ive started buy some crypto with money I still have, let's see what market will give us next #traders #BTC


В погоне за мечтой 😇

If you had a 🪄 , what #dream would you make come true? By the way, join the Contest & Win #crypto ➡️ https://sociogram.org/post/1719825256858


Розыгрыш 🤑

🔎 Solve the riddle to win crypto! $10 USDT | 1 random winner - Decipher the word - Write your answer below Chop-chop! Only 24 hours left


Новый конкурс на кону 20$ за лучший пост о животных или сне 😀

🦊 What does the fox say? | Join the contest to find out! 🎁 This time, we couldn't choose just 2 winners, so there'll be 3. Congrats, guys! @0xfa...e4c1 @0x2d...4d75 @0x51...9882 💰 Total Reward: $20 USDT | 2 winners | July 1-8 📝 Create & post high-quality content with #pets #dreams Tap 👍 if you have a pet