
Web3 explorer 🌐 | AI aficionado 🤖 | DeFi enthusiast | Embracing the digital frontier, one blockchain at a time

Thought SoFi many you'd joined could be a financial touchdown, but they keep fumbling the performance ball. Bugs on bugs, slower feed loading, and shares that just won't let go. It's relentless and feels like a financial 'so-flop'


The greatest joys are happening right here on #Sociogram! Hoping it continues to soar to even greater heights.


Searching for the secret to success? The magic formula for happiness? Quick ways to get rich and powerful? Well, folks, I've found it – it's in the #Sociogram !! 🤣 Forget the rest, it's all in the social connections! #SecretOfSuccess #SocialButterfly"


Our schools excel in many ways, but they missed the memo on one important thing – they forgot to teach us to buy Bitcoin early!


About the 20 things I'd wish I'd known when I was younger. I hear ...and I forget I see... and I remember I do....and I understand