
I can tell that you put a lot of effort into this post. It really paid off!


📰 The Economist has released a New Year's Eve cover with predictions for 2024. 1️⃣ At the top, Zelensky and Putin look into each other's eyes, they are separated by an hourglass with the bottom half more filled in: time is running out for this war. 2️⃣ US and PRC interests will collide in South America and Southeast Asia. Biden and Xi's interests diverge, they look in opposite directions. 3️⃣ Above Putin's head is Trump and a dove of peace, Zelensky's is a girl and missiles. Zelensky will be gone. There will be a woman in his place. 4️⃣ Artificial intelligence is a new opportunity and threat at the same time. 5️⃣ The ballot box - in 2024 Putin and Biden and many countries around the world will have presidential elections and this will affect the future of the world. 6️⃣ A downturn in the world economy and trade is inevitable.
