Sociogram new features release! We are excited to announce the release of our latest version of Sociogram web3 social media, which includes some significant product updates to enhance your social media experience. 😍 Let's have a look. 👀 - Blocklist. Now you can send the users you don't want to interact with to the blacklist. More privacy has come to your account. - Follow request. Another privacy feature. Accept followers only after request. - Text formatting in messenger. Make your messages even more exciting in private messages. - Link preview in messenger. Improvement of link preview and description in private messages. - Bugfix. Minor bugs were fixed. With the new updates, we have introduced several new features that are designed to make your online interactions more engaging, intuitive, and enjoyable. Sociogram team believes that these updates will significantly improve your social media experience. More exciting features and events coming soon! 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀