27 months

Official account of Sociogram web3 social media

Welcome @Sourceless , a new verified project on Sociogram!

Hello @Sociogram 🤗 Expanding our presence this way means connecting with more people, joining new conversations, and building stronger collaborations and relationships within the Web3 community. Connect with us 🌐 #Web3 #SourceLess #Sociogram #Community


Not hinting at anything, but we've got a secure Web3 messenger 😎 😉

Watcher Guru

According to a document shared by X user Deedy, streaming service platform Netflix and social media giant Facebook exchanged private...


What do you think about the new feed?

Have you already noticed the improvements our team has made to the feed? Personally, I'm finding it even better! 🚀 If you have any suggestions or feedback, feel free to share in the comments. Your input is invaluable to us! 💬 #FeedImprovements #FeedbackWelcome #Sociogram


Problem with checking tasks from X (Twitter) will be solved in the next few days. Also in the near future we will present an effective solution to combat bots. I advise those who manage bot accounts to stop activity - bot awards will be canceled! Be patient 🤝